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The Sarvamoola Sabdanighantu is a scholarly and comprehensive work that fulfils a great need for the serious student studying the philosophy of Tatvavada of Acharya Madhva. As is well known, Madhva has authored 37 authoritative works on diverse subjects covering a wide range of primary source material such as the Brahma-sutras, Gita, Mahabharata and Bhagavadgita as well as the Upanishads with more than one work on the same subject in some cases, such as the Brahma Sutras to achieve complete coverage and clarity. The present edition gives different interpretations and meanings given by Madhvacharya. For exale Agni has been assigned 21 different meanings, Atma 30 interpretations. Dr. Ranganatha Katti and Dr. Shankaranmparayan Adiga, young and enthusiastic scholars of Samshodhana Mandiram have brought out this valuable edition.