पूर्णप्रज्ञ संशोधन मन्दिरम्
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The Dvaita Vedanta has made unique contribution to Indian Epistemology. Most of the Indian scholars were of the opinion that the Madhva Epistemology had been influenced by Nyaya system and hence lacks creativity in thoughts. This is absolutely a wrong concept. Dvaita system is totally based on ancient and authoritative system of logic - Brahma-tarka of Narayana, which is condensed by Lord Vedavyasa in his texts. Definition of knowledge and delineation on the instruments of knowledge is a very interesting discussion in Dvaita philosophy. Sri Jayatirtha Swamin wrote a valuable commentary on Pramanalakshana-prakarana, which focuses light on Madhva Epistemology as well as on other branches of Indian philosophy. Sri Vijayindratirtha Swamin contributed Bhava-vivaranam sub-commentary on Pramanalakshana-teeka which was till now unpublished and unknown to the society of Madhva tradition. Sri Vijayindratirtha Swamiji has contributed more than 104 works in different branches of Indian philosophy and Madhva tradition - Chaturadhika-shata-grantha-praneta. Vidwan P.S. Sheshagiri Acharya critically edited this text with two manuscripts.